This is my very first blog ever so I'll introduce myself. I'm a 50 year old female, married with one teenage son. I've been a stay at home Mom since he was born but now, I am working part time as a fundraiser.
I've kept a journal for years and would like to go on doing so but I am concerned that they be found if anything ever were to happen to me. So I'd rather write in cyberspace and not worry about physical books being found. After all, this way, no one would know where to look. So maybe here I can indulge my need to keep a record of my life without worrying that a cross word will hurt someone's feelings in the distant future.
My passions are learning, reading, and writing. I like to research topics that interest me. I've been a student of dreams for many years and I have a keen interest in the afterlife and other psychic phenomena.
I'll say more later, but for now I am excited to have my very own blog!
9 years ago