Here are some of the issues we need to work on in the New Year (actually starting right now):
Fight to preserve Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid without cuts.
Let Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest expire.
Overturn Citizens United; get Fair Elections passed in New York State
Keep working for Universal Single Payer Healthcare (Medicare for All)
Repeal DOMA and replace with Respect for Marriage Act.
Restore Glass-Steagall
Get a progressive elected Mayor in NYC in 2013, not a Mayor who crushes dissent and boasts that the NYPD is his private army.
Abolish the sections of the NDAA that endanger American civil liberties.
No TPP, which would have more devastating effects than NAFTA or CAFTA.
Oppose the ongoing War on Women.
Oppose workplace discrimination against LGBT people.
Kick the Teabaggers out of Congress, state and local government in 2014. We don't need "Blue Dogs" either.
Pass the Jobs Act, Jobs for Veterans, and rebuild the US infrastructure.
Raise the federal minimum wage to a living wage.
9 years ago