Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Going to See Jane Goodall

On Friday afternoon we will hear Jane Goodall, the world famous primatologist, speak. I'm excited over this in a way I have not been for years. Jane Goodall has been an idol of mine since I was eleven years old. I remember watching the special about her and about the chimps she studied on PBS in 1966. Our TV was black and white; we didn't get a color set until sometime in the seventies. I was so impressed with the details of Jane's life and her discoveries. Back at that time, she had discovered that chimpanzees made and used tools by stripping twigs of their leaves and then poking them down the openings of termite nests. The termites would cling to the twigs and the chimp could then enjoy a tasty snack. (I assume termites tasted good to them since they went to all this trouble to get a snack that could not have provided that much of a calorie intake).

I read her first book, "In the Shadow of Man," and later on when she discovered that chimps have a dark side and engage in war, murder and cannibalism, I read with fascination her book about that. Now, before we go to see her, I am trying to finish reading her spiritual autobiography, "Reason for Hope." She has been in other television specials over the years and I recorded at least one of them but it is on VHS and we no longer have a TV. So unless I convert it onto DVD I will not get to watch it again.

Friday night will be quite exciting. I would love to get close enough to say a word or two to her and I would love a photograph but who knows if that will happen. In any case it will be exciting to hear what she has to say. It is a thrill for me; seeing her in person was one of the things I listed on my "To Do Before I Die" list when I had cancer and was afraid the end was near. In fact, back then, she spoke locally and I didn't go to see her, and I had a profound sense of regret that I missed that speaking engagement. I was so afraid that I had missed my chance to see her in person, forever.

But thank God, I am here nine years later and I am going to see her on Friday. Jason and Bruce are looking forward to seeing her too. This should be a great outing!

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