Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Spirit of the Law

In a few days I will be running for the Board of an organization that has sadly lost its way. I have watched and protested every way I know how, while democracy and fair treatment have been ignored. I have protested when reputations were destroyed by false rumors, and when employees were mistreated. I have protested when a small group of Board members excluded the rest of the Board from meaningful and informed decision making, taking the power to themselves and leaving the rest of the Board unable to do its fiduciary duty.

My protests have been expressed in emails, in a blog I took down not long ago, called "Brooklyn Ethics," and in the media. I've complained in every situation possible that this organization has stopped doing its mission and has stopped honoring its core values. But unfortunately, these protests have had no effect and have simply resulted in my own demonization.

I don't expect to get on the Board, but as a last gesture before I wipe the dust of this place off my feet, I am giving them one more chance.

They won't take it. The die is already cast. I am the only person running with the blessing of the nominating committee but "without Board endorsement." They have a slick lawyer assisting them pro bono, who has made mincemeat of our constitution, attributing powers to the President and to the Executive Committee that were never intended. Of all people, an attorney should recognize that there is not simply the letter of the law, but a spirit of the law that must be honored as well.

The founders of this organization surely never intended the President to be a dictator. As a nonprofit organization, it is supposed to be ruled by the entire Board. As a membership organization, it is supposed to be informed by the membership and follow their wishes. Members are supposed to have access to information. Instead they have been spoon fed only what the ruling cadre wants them to know.

When the President is given the powers to make unilateral decisions, and when the Executive Committee is allowed to take over the functions of the full board, the spirit of the law lies mortally wounded. If the membership is content with this, they are no better than the contented cud-chewers who are more interested in American Idol than in dealing with the loss of civil liberties that has been imposed on America by the present administration. The analogy works completely.

I am prepared to leave if the tide goes against us, because there will be nothing meaningful we can accomplish there any more. There are other similar organizations where good works can be done, and I am already beginning to set my sights on those.

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