Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Age of Majority

Jason turned 18 today and I have to admit I keep thinking of the day he was born. It seems as if he is being born all over again, as a legal adult and also he is moving out of the nest tomorrow, so that's a birth of another kind. Bruce and I have a photo of ourselves outside Beth Israel before I went in to have Jason induced. What an adventure that was! This will be an adventure too. In some ways it is as painful as childbirth. I've been so nervous that I have been tempted to scream out, "Give me drugs!" just like I did the night he was born. That's because the anesthesia wore off right when they were taking me off the table.

This time, of course, it would be tranquilizers and not an epidural.

Just like all the other times when we travel, I will worry excessively, think of every little detail that could possibly go wrong, and freak out over every little thing. And despite my bitching, we'll get there and we'll deliver him safely to his dorm. Then we'll retreat to the town and the hotel and let him start his brand new life on campus.

But for now, I think I'll make the attempt at getting to sleep.

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