Tuesday, June 17, 2008

City Sights

Or should I say sightings? In the past week or so, I've seen:

A man with dreadlocks that fell past his backside and brushed his upper thighs. I'll bet he's a law abiding citizen, because if not, it would be awfully easy to grab him by the long hairs.

A man with his pet cat perched on his head. This turned out to be a panhandling ploy, because as soon as I smiled at the cat, its owner approached me for a handout.

A buxom young woman with a hideous stuffed toy nestled between her breasts. You have to wonder why.

And, yesterday, while enjoying Thai food for lunch, a man carrying a skeleton passed by the restaurant. I believe the skeleton was plastic but I'm not entirely sure.

That's what I love about New York. You never know just what to expect!

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