Friday, October 31, 2008

Party Tomorrow

We've got the food ready. Tomorrow we'll do the Big Cleanup and then our guests should start arriving around 4 PM. I'm still a little hung up about my costume but I guess I will get it figured out. Jason wants to be Cousin Itt from the Addams Family. I bought him a long wig and figure he can turn it around or else just drape the hair over his face and wear it that way. It will probably tickle and he'll probably get tired of it before too long, but we shall see!

The food is just about ready. We're having:

Vegetarian Chili (in honor of Day of the Dead) & rice
Deviled Eggs (obvious, I hope)
Pepperoni, cheese and crackers
Chips, pretzels and dips
Putrified Pie (mostly sugar-free pudding pie, with a layer of chocolate covered by green butterscotch pudding)
Graveyard cake over Castrated Brownies
Halloween candy (candy corn and gummy worms)
Vampire Blood punch with frozen body parts
Coffe & Tea

We may also receive some Turkey Balls. The brownies will be happy to hear about that.

I've put up a miniature Day of the Dead altar with photos of our deceased loved ones: my parents, Bruce's parents, Richard, Janet, Beth, Rosanne, Nancy, and our late cat George. I also put up some skull decorations with various slogans like "Please DO feed the ancestors," "Dead Head" (on the bathroom door), "Abandon Soap, All Ye Who Enter Here," on one of Jason's bedroom doors, and a fire-breathing dragon saying, "Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste great with ketchup!" on the other. Tomorrow afternoon I will put the last one, "You are entering the Dead Zone," on the door to our apartment.

There are skeletons in the hall closets, one saying, "Shhh, I'm trying to hide!" and the other saying, "Shh, don't tell on me!" Another decoration is shaped like a tombstone and reads, "Graveyard Vote." Okay, so it is four days before Election Day and a little political humor is not inappropriate!

For goody bags, I've made up "Anti-Vampire Kits." They contain a head of garlic, several toothpicks (wooden stakes to drive through a vampire's heart) and a Blood Donor card to prove you've already given!

Tomorrow I will post photos!

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